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20210328_104804 (1)




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Made from genuine liquified Shrimp

Through our scent-release technology, liquified shrimp, UV light, and  “special sauce” are encapsulated and dispersed in a mess-free application.  Any species that naturally consume shrimp, will find our balls irresistible.

Shrimp have been proven to attract:

  • Spaid Fish
  • King Fish
  • Spot
  • Perch
  • Black Sea Bass and others


One unit/container consists of approximately 53 Stinky Balls. Please acknowledge the Precautions/Storage section below before use.

Availability: 99946 in stock Category:


Stinky Balls were designed to make your lure better. With every new technology, the learning curve has to be made clear and simple. Please be aware of the following limitations:

  • Stinky Balls are NOT meant for human consumption
  • Stinky Balls will melt in heat and direct sunlight!
  • Stinky Balls will melt in high temperature water!
  • Keeping your Balls in a cool dark place is required for optimal performance

We are excited to bring this technology to the world. Please use precautions before purchase.

Additional information

Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 16 in

Big, Original